ECO BBS - Sengoku no Nanban HOT MILF! 戦国の南蛮熟女!

[1] No.0249... huans171 [Date:2015/08/19(水) 16:11] [削除] [編集]

Sengoku no Nanban HOT MILF! 戦国の南蛮熟女!

0249 - 237 x 237 [20KB]
Sengoku no Nanban HOT MILF! 戦国の南蛮熟女!

Sorry, folks. I dont understand Japanese. I speak Chinese. However, I am a loyal fan of Nobunaga's Ambition: Creation with Powerup Kit. I uploaded a female image I made in Photoshop. I hope to share this image to enrich this ever growing great community full of talented individuals. Thanks! Sincerely, :)

I used several AV stars pictures as reference for the facial feature. Special thanks to 二娘市, because I was inspired by this fellow or else I would never make this image.

申し訳ありませんが、人々 。私は日本を理解していけません。私は中国語を話します。パワーアップキットで作成:しかし、私は忠実な信長の野望のファンです。私はPhotoshopで作られた女性像をアップロードしました。私は優秀な人材の完全この成長を続ける偉大な社会を豊かにするために、この画像を共有したいと考えています。ありがとう!よろしくお願いいたします:)


□■□■ Response for Topic #0249 ■□■□

Res0001... nurse a grievance [Date:2015/08/20(木) 07:58] [削除] [編集]

very very poor graphic.

Res0002... Anonymous [Date:2015/08/20(木) 15:08] [削除] [編集]

> I hope to share this image to enrich this ever growing great community full of talented individuals. Thanks! Sincerely, :)

I appreciate your feelings as a member of this community.

Res0003... huans171 [Date:2015/08/20(木) 21:33] [削除] [編集]

The reason the graphic was poor because when I worked on it was based on the artwork of someone else. The only thing I changed was the facial feature and the clothes of that woman. I should have started it from scratch. I am working on making a high res version of it. I am no professional artist, but I will try my best.